Sharon North Pohl is a lifelong learner in the most committed sense, she has boldly traveled the world finding a different kind of treasure: mindset. She has mastered those disciplines into her own curriculum called ZEST! She’s a coach who stands for mature sisters everywhere. Sharon facilitates her people to have the zestiest life possible.
What’s possible for you?
Nearly a decade ago, Sharon embarked on a life-changing journey. She saw clearly that the ultimate decision to slide into “jaded resignation” did not come from outside pressures but from a loss of “Center” inside ones self. She took all the secrets she collected and created a powerful curriculum for living in Joy and self-expression. The result? She has changed lives.
Would you like a breakthrough?
Sharon is bursting with life, but it’s no accident. At 70, Zesty is a daily joyful, effortless, commitment. She guides women world around. They report far healthier lives filled with color and unbridled “zest”. She is passionate about sharing her secrets with other women!
Does this resonate for you?
Zesty means the most energized, self-confident life. To quote Sharon North Pohl: “Health is the wealth to conquer the world in style”. Zest is progressive wellness.
Do you want more?
Sharon shares her insights and strategies for Zesty living through her coaching programs, retreats and membership site at
She spends her free time traveling the world, shooting fashion photography, hiking, swimming, surfing and going on adventures with her grandkids.
Sharon North Pohl, and Her Tribe WELCOMES YOU!
Here we provide sage advice, encouraging and inspiring women in the fall of their lives, who are still young-at-heart. You are invited to join us in our vital worldview. We guide our tribe and lead them in the art of aging vitally.
With us you will improve your skills to live an even zestier life. We strive to enhance your energy, maximize your self-confidence, and improve your general wellness, both physically and mentally
A bit of Sharon's history:
In 2000 she left her corporate printing career and followed her dreams, with a passion for horses and personal development. She founded a non-profit horse rescue and mentoring program in the Santa Cruz mountains in California where the giant majestic redwood trees meet the sea.
Her motto for her ranch, Willow Pond Ranch, was " A Sanctuary Where Rescued Horses Mentor the Human Spirit". Here she saved and trained the horses, coached and guided children and women to be their best zesty, confidant selves.
It was a very fulfilling time in her life. She retired from that in 2013 following a devastating divorce and relocated to the Caribbean. Sharon now splits her time between St. Martin in the Dutch Antilles and Santa Cruz California. She still has the ranch there, where she hosts retreats and inspires and coaches women, in the fall of their lives, to an even more zesty life.
We have a FB group where we invite women to share inspiration, @ZestyChange. We are zestier together!
Living based in the colorful kaleidoscope of St. Martin island, in the Caribbean, has opened her heart even more. This experience has expanded her color palette of possibilities as she crisscrosses the globe.
You are invited to come along and join her on these colorful sojourns of self-discovery. Our hope is to re-fire your wanderlust for a healthy lifestyle to enjoy an even zestier life. Including fun and fashionable travel.
We strive to inspire you to follow your dreams and live your best-unbridled life. We can all live a zealously free, fit and fashionably fun life.
Health is Wealth. Let's Conquer the World in Zesty Style!
ZESTIFY... Pack something beside BLACK for your next trip.
Her song inspiration is "She's like a Rainbow" from the Rolling Stones.
"She's like a rainbow, coming, colors in the air. Oh ev'ry where, she comes in colors."
Her favorite quote: we changed 'Man' to the feminine. This exemplifies our commitment to make a difference for all you zesty goddesses out there!
"When one woman, for whatever reason, has the opportunity to lead an extraordinary life, she has no right to keep it to herself"
...Jacques Cousteau
My Reasons
Why we do what we do here at Zesty Change?
To kick menopause symptoms to the curb, that’s why!
We elevate women 40-and-beyond to live an even zestier life. Many of these women suffer from the effects of diminishing estrogen: hot flashes, brain fog, anxiety, lack of self-esteem and sudden weight gain.
These are some of the challenges that come with the “rough seas” of menopause.
We are Zest Masters offering menopause Relief .
Meet Sharon North Pohl, 70-year-old, who wrote the book on being “zesty into your golden years.” (It’s sailing first quarter of 2020.) All aboard for clear sailing to an even zestier life, through menopause and beyond.
Why Sharon?
“I came out of retirement in the Caribbean paradise of Saint Maarten (the Dutch side of St. Martin) this fall after a trip to visit my old friends. What I found was a shocking decline in the health in my former adventure partners.” -Sharon North Pohl
Devastating ageing during menopause
Mary with a stroke, incapacitated confined to a wheel chair, Peggy with a back pain so bad she lay in bed for weeks, Bonnie a complete mental breakdown and institutionalized, Valerie with bone on bone knees, Jacquie 2 hips, 2 knees, and a shoulder replacement. Wow.
Say Goodbye to Hot Flashes, Brain Fog & Anxiety
“I have realized that simple changes in daily lifestyle can save women from sinking in a sea of misery. I have realized that my potential contribution is too big to play small and lay on the beach. I now inspire midlife vitality. We elevate these women, guiding and navigating with them into calmer waters.” -Sharon North Pohl
It may not be you, but if you’re a woman, it will be one day.
If so, your partner, your friends and family will also be suffering along with you, because everyone is affected.
How can we help with menopause symptoms?
We provide multiple channels from free content to our posh retreats. We want every woman who is interested in revitalizing her life to have access to our inspirational content. This is regardless of budget, where you are in the world, or your “station” in life.
We offer free revitalizing content, a membership site, a 13-week evergreen webinar life altering series, group coaching, private coaching, and a retreat at Sharon's secluded luxury ranch, just 3 miles from the beach in the Santa Cruz mountains of California.
Be Zesty
Our world needs these powerful Queens to play full out into their golden years! We are here to help create even more zest in your life.