Five motivators so you can live a happier, healthier, and more zesty life

When motivation fails, what reasons do you have to get up and change your life for the better?


So many times as women, we’ve spent years taking care of other people. Our kids, spouse, parents, co-workers, you name it have all needed us in some capacity. Many of us learned how to push our needs aside to focus on others. 


Now that you’re over 50, I have to ask you…if you don’t put yourself now, when will you do it? 


Sometimes we need help identifying motivators to get us to take charge of our lives and start living for ourselves because we’re so used to telling ourselves no. 


Today I’m sharing my Big Sister love with you and giving you five motivators to make change so you can live a happier, healthier, and more zesty life.  


  1. Grandkids. So many of us have dreamed of becoming grandmas, so we have to make sure we can show up with as much energy as we can to enjoy our time with them. 
  2. Bucket list. You made that list of dreams for a reason. There’s no one to tell you what to do or where to go, so make it happen! 
  3. Friends. All those adventures you wanted to have with your friends are able to happen now that you’re past 50. Make sure you’re able to go on those trips, have those brunch dates, and make the memories you’ve talked about for years. 
  4. Self-Image. No one wants to feel uncomfortable in their skin and feel badly about themselves. A negative mindset full of anger and ill feelings can also affect those closest to you. Releasing all of that and increasing your confidence means you get peace of mind.
  5. YOU. Most of all, you are worthy and deserving of a full, exciting, healthy life. No one has to give it to you EXCEPT for YOU! Do what’s best for your body, mind, and soul because you can take care of yourself the way you did others. Your time is now! 


Missed my Get 3x More Energy Challenge?

Great News! I’m keeping the recordings up and the conversations going for a limited time. If you’re ready to…


💃 Get Up with More Energy

💃 Get Dressed with Less Stress

💃 Get Out Without Anxiety


Click here to join the group!


Friday Lives Will Return Next Week!

For now, get all the inspiring and motivating content you need by participating in my Get 3x More Energy challenge in my Facebook Community. 


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