Keep Going with Holistic Health and Sustainable Weight Loss

holistic-health May 02, 2022

Hello, my lovely ladies! πŸ’ƒ 

I'm Sharon, your zesty, 75 year old senior, holistic weight loss and lifestyle coach; mentor for all women over 50. I'm passionate to empower your weight loss journey by sharing simple solutions to manage your weight naturally, through menopause and beyond. I've cracked the code to stop endless yo yo dieting! 🧰

My zesty tool box is chock full of tools that revitalize and transform. You will discover simple hacks to lose stubborn leftover menopause weight. I introduce you to many weight loss secrets, including the benefits of rucking for seniors, (walking with weight), gut health for natural weight loss, the magical benefits of lemons for holistic health, and how fulfilling your bucket list helps you lose weight. This is a life enhancing, proven system for all women over 50 who want to prepare for their senior years. 

⏰Get Up, πŸ’ƒGet Dressed,σ°£°Get Out πŸ›ŒπŸ’ƒπŸž 

Remember when you used to jump out of bed and get up full of energy, get dressed loving your body and get out having fun. Those were days when you were rocking your bucket list with friends and family. Let's recapture that zest for life! Enjoy lasting results–revitalize and transform! You will finally lose that stubborn menopausal belly fat and keep it off. Enjoy all these benefits while safeguarding your health. My clients who are using the zesty tool box program and the daily zesty planner and tracker are empowered to find even more joy in their transformation as they build healthy reserves. They are up leveling their immunity as they are loving their revitalized, slimmer, zesty self as they enter the best years of their lives.   

Embrace the Journey, Not Just the Destination 

First things first, my lovely ladies, let's talk about the journey. Often, we focus so much on the end goal—whether it’s losing those extra pounds, fitting into that fabulous dress, or ticking off another item from our bucket list for natural weight loss—that we forget to appreciate the journey itself.

Every step you take, every healthy choice you make, and every hurdle you overcome is a victory worth celebrating. πŸŽ‰ Remember, it's not just about the destination, but about the person you become along the way.

Start Your Day with Lemon Water πŸ‹ 

Let's kick off our mornings with a refreshing habit: lemon water for weight loss. Drinking a glass of warm lemon water first thing in the morning not only kick-starts your metabolism but also aids in digestion and boosts your immune system. It’s a simple, natural way to revitalize your body and renew your health every single day.

The Power of Rucking for Seniors 🚢‍♀️ 

Have you heard of rucking? It’s a fantastic way to combine cardio and strength training, especially for seniors. Rucking involves walking with weight, whether it’s a backpack with a few pounds or some hand weights. This activity not only enhances your cardiovascular health but also builds muscle strength and endurance.

Think of it as a fun and challenging way to safeguard your health. Plus, it's an excellent way to enjoy the great outdoors and soak up some vitamin D!

Gut Health for Holistic Health 🌿

Your gut health plays a crucial role in your overall well-being. A healthy gut can improve digestion, boost your immune system, and even enhance your mood. Incorporate plenty of fiber-rich foods, probiotics, and fermented foods into your diet to keep your gut flora happy and balanced.

Remember, a happy gut means a happy you! And it's a vital component of holistic health, ensuring you feel vibrant and energized every day.

Probiotics for Natural Weight Loss 🦠

Speaking of gut health, let's not forget the power of probiotics for natural weight loss. These beneficial bacteria help balance your gut microbiome, improving digestion and aiding in weight loss. Incorporate yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and other probiotic-rich foods into your diet to support your weight loss journey naturally.

Creating Your Bucket List for Natural Weight Loss ✨

Who says a bucket list is only for grand adventures? Create a bucket list for natural weight loss that includes goals like hiking a new trail, mastering a new healthy recipe, or completing a rucking challenge. Having these exciting, achievable goals keeps you motivated and makes your weight loss journey more enjoyable.

Track Your Progress with the Zesty Planner πŸ“’

One of the best ways to stay on track with your weight loss goals is by using a planner. The Zesty Planner is perfect for tracking your progress, planning your meals, and scheduling your workouts. It's a fantastic tool to keep you organized and motivated, ensuring you stay on the path to success.

Revitalize and Renew: Daily Habits for Lasting Health 🌟

Building daily habits that promote health and wellness is key to maintaining your progress. Here are some simple yet effective habits to incorporate into your routine:

Stay Hydrated:
Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Add some lemon for an extra boost!

Move Daily:
Incorporate rucking, yoga, or simple stretching exercises into your daily routine.

Eat Mindfully:
Focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods that nourish your body.

Get Enough Sleep:
Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night to rejuvenate your body and mind.

Practice Gratitude:
Start or end your day with a gratitude journal, reflecting on the positive aspects of your journey.

Community and Support: We’re in This Together 🀝

Remember, you don’t have to go through this journey alone. Surround yourself with a supportive community of like-minded women who understand your challenges and cheer you on. Join a local fitness group, participate in online forums, or find a workout buddy. The encouragement and camaraderie will keep you motivated and make the journey more enjoyable.

Celebrate Your Wins, Big and Small πŸŽ‰ 

Every step forward is a win, whether it's choosing a healthy snack, completing a workout, or simply feeling more energized. Celebrate these victories, no matter how small they may seem. Positive reinforcement is a powerful motivator, and recognizing your achievements will boost your confidence and determination.

Overcoming Obstacles: A Mindset Shift 🌈 

When the going gets tough, it’s important to maintain a positive mindset. Challenges are not setbacks but opportunities to grow and learn. Here are some tips to help you stay positive and resilient:

Stay Focused:
Keep your end goals in sight and remind yourself why you started this journey.

Practice Self-Compassion:
Be kind to yourself, especially during tough times. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would offer a friend.

Seek Inspiration:
Surround yourself with inspirational quotes, success stories, and uplifting music or podcasts.

Take Breaks:
Allow yourself to rest and recharge. Sometimes, a short break can provide the clarity and energy you need to keep going.

The Zesty Way to Holistic Health πŸ‹ 

At the end of the day, my lovely ladies, it's all about finding balance and enjoying the journey. By focusing on holistic health—nurturing your body, mind, and spirit—you can achieve lasting weight loss and feel your absolute best.

Incorporate lemon water for weight loss, rucking for seniors, and probiotics for natural weight loss into your daily routine. Use the Zesty Planner to track your progress, and make a bucket list for natural weight loss that excites and motivates you.

Final Thoughts: Keep Going and Shine Bright ✨

Life is a beautiful journey filled with ups and downs. Embrace every moment, keep pushing forward, and never give up on yourself. You are stronger than you think, and with each step you take, you are closer to achieving your goals.

So, let's raise our lemon water glasses, toast to our incredible journey, and keep going when things get tough. Remember, my dear friends, the best is yet to come!

Your Zesty Friend & Mentor,

Sharon North Pohl 🌸🌟

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πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰Remember my info is generic  and educational only.  Please check with your healthcare provider before embarking on any  changes in diet or exercise


#holistichealth #naturalweightloss #loosemenopauseweight #guthealth #ruckingweightloss #lemonshealth #planner  #seniorhealth #bucketlist #bellyfat

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