Find joy in your everyday life.

It’s been a week filled with joy for me! My book, Zesty Changes, released on Tuesday after 3 years of being in production. It’s been a blessing to get these stories from 30 amazing women into the world.
All of this celebrating has me remembering a time when I struggled to find pockets of joy when I was at my lowest. I know first hand how difficult it can be to find gratitude and happiness when you’re in a dark place. 
If you struggle with picking out joy in your everyday life, here are five ways you can identify what makes you happy:
  1. Keep a daily gratitude journal. Write down what you are grateful to have, even the small things.
  2. Get Up with a plan to do something just for you today. Prioritize your happiness!
  3. Get Dressed in something that is cheerful and makes you feel happy.
  4. Get Out and do one thing you love to do, that you haven't done in a while, that makes you smile. It can be as simple as taking a walk, going to the library, or grabbing...
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Zesty Changes Release Date is Here!

Have you heard? My book, Zesty Changes, releases next Tuesday, March 14th!
Zesty Changes has been a labor of love. It’s taken me three years to put together as I interviewed women around the world and invited them to share their unique stories. 
While the stories in the book start with the lowest points of their lives, what’s most important is the one feature they all share: the power of hope. 
Hope is transformative. It’s what leads us out of the dark and into the light. When we’re looking for all the ways to better ourselves, whether that’s our mental, emotional, or physical wellbeing, hope is the driving force. We want things to get better, and we believe we can get to that place of joy and peace!
But hope isn’t always easy to find. I’ve felt lost and hopeless at different points in my life (which I share in-depth in the book) but I’ve always been able to find my way to a happier, zestier way of...
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