Check to Make Sure These Areas are Balanced

If you want to make a change in your life, how do you know where to start?


It’s easy to identify that you’re unhappy, but it isn’t as simple to figure out what’s wrong. You might have bits and pieces of things that you know are contributing to your unhappiness, but you don’t know how to begin to address them.


One of the ways that I like to evaluate where life changes need to happen is to take what I call a Zest Assessment. I look at the eight areas of life and identify if any of them are out of balance, and then take steps to change them.

Today I’d like to share those eight areas of life with you, so you can ask yourself which ones are most out of balance.

  1. Home environment - Are you happy where you live? Does your space bring you joy?
  2. Career - Does your job fulfill you? Do you get along with your coworkers?
  3. Money - Are you happy with your income? Do you feel like you should be earning more?
  4. Health - Are you in pain? Do you spend...
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Stay hydrated, lose weight.

When you’re trying to lose weight, it’s not just about your diet and exercise. 


People often forget one of the key parts of keeping your body healthy…water!

Staying hydrated with at least eight glasses of water a day is an important factor to weight loss and your overall health. It cleanses your body of impurities, boosts your metabolism, and makes exercise easier. You also need water in order to burn fat. 


Here all the ways staying hydrated can help you:

  1.  Elevates your mood 
  2.  Good for your heart
  3.  Increases skin elasticity 
  4.  Lubricates your eyes
  5.  Helps build muscle 
  6.  Greases your joints
  7.  Boosts your metabolism


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An apple a day really does keep the doctor away!

As we wrap up heart month, I want to share one more important resource for you. 
Did you know that an apple a day really does keep the doctor away? Especially when it comes to heart health!

Apples can help lower the risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease.

Here are five reasons why you should include apples in your diet:
  1. Apples aid in weight loss. They’re low calorie and high in water and fiber, which help you feel full.
  2. With a rich source of pectin, apples are great for digestion.
  3. Apples have anti-aging qualities. The acids found within them protect the skin from damage.
  4. Need to lower your cholesterol? Apples contain polyphenols, which help to lower LDL cholesterol.
  5. With a combination of soluble fiber and polyphenols, apples keep your heart healthy by lowering cholesterol, inflammation, and blood pressure.
More Health Tips in Zesty Changes
My upcoming book, Zesty Changes, comes with a FREE guide filled with life-changing health tips and tools....
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Fire Up Your Metabolism

February is heart month, and not just for Valentine’s Day!
Your heart is one of the most important organs in your body. Without it, you wouldn’t be here. I had to start caring for my heart when, after a visit to the doctor, I found out my blood pressure was too high.
It was either I got on medication or I brought it down on my own. Did you know there are easy ways to bring down your blood pressure without being on a life-long pill? They really work!
I was able to lower my blood pressure by 10 points by walking 45 mins a day. This was recommended by my cardiologist. I'm committed to doing it every day. I avoided having to go on blood pressure meds with this Get up, Get Dressed and Get Out routine and daily practice. Here are easy ways you can keep your heart healthy:
  1. Walk: 45 minutes of walking everyday and losing 10 pounds brought my blood pressure into normal range
  2. Lose Weight: Reduce blood pressure by losing weight approx 1...
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