Fire Up Your Metabolism

February is heart month, and not just for Valentine’s Day!
Your heart is one of the most important organs in your body. Without it, you wouldn’t be here. I had to start caring for my heart when, after a visit to the doctor, I found out my blood pressure was too high.
It was either I got on medication or I brought it down on my own. Did you know there are easy ways to bring down your blood pressure without being on a life-long pill? They really work!
I was able to lower my blood pressure by 10 points by walking 45 mins a day. This was recommended by my cardiologist. I'm committed to doing it every day. I avoided having to go on blood pressure meds with this Get up, Get Dressed and Get Out routine and daily practice. Here are easy ways you can keep your heart healthy:
  1. Walk: 45 minutes of walking everyday and losing 10 pounds brought my blood pressure into normal range
  2. Lose Weight: Reduce blood pressure by losing weight approx 1...
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