Five motivators so you can live a happier, healthier, and more zesty life

When motivation fails, what reasons do you have to get up and change your life for the better?


So many times as women, we’ve spent years taking care of other people. Our kids, spouse, parents, co-workers, you name it have all needed us in some capacity. Many of us learned how to push our needs aside to focus on others. 


Now that you’re over 50, I have to ask you…if you don’t put yourself now, when will you do it? 


Sometimes we need help identifying motivators to get us to take charge of our lives and start living for ourselves because we’re so used to telling ourselves no. 


Today I’m sharing my Big Sister love with you and giving you five motivators to make change so you can live a happier, healthier, and more zesty life.  


  1. Grandkids. So many of us have dreamed of becoming grandmas, so we have to make sure we can show up with as much energy as we can to enjoy our time with them. 
  2. ...
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Improve your happiness and health by taking action!

You know you have changes to make in order to live a happy, healthy life, so why is it so hard to get started?


The biggest challenge that stands in the way of us making choices that are better for us is…ourselves!


After 50, it’s common for women to stop feeling motivated. Changes in our body mean that we’re low on energy, and we get distracted by stressors and responsibilities that life throws at us.


But that’s no reason to neglect your health! It’s true that health is wealth, and without it you won’t be able to make memories, hit your goals, or have fun, amazing adventures with your friends and family. In the best years of your life, you should be able to feel good inside and out. 


Here are some tips to take you from thinking about improving your happiness and health to taking action:


  1. Seek advice from an expert. You might not know where to start or are unsure how to stay consistent. That’s where an...
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Feeling sleepy?

Where before you could fly through your to-do list and still have the evening to do the things you love…you might feel like you’re ready to go to bed halfway through the day.
Hormones play a big role in our energy, and as they shift and change during menopause, women often feel more fatigued. But this doesn’t mean you’ve lost all the pep in your step!
Let’s get your energy back up. Below are tips to help you reignite your energy and give you a boost, so you can keep doing what you love and then some.
  1. Go to bed and get up around the same time each day with natural light.
  2. Have a morning routine and stick to it. Try journaling, meditating, and practicing gratitude affirmations.
  3. Do 5 minutes of exercise, 5 different exercises and cycle through them once daily.
  4. Drink lots of water. Start the day with a big glass of warm lemon water. A 150 lb woman needs 100 oz of water daily.
  5. Eat 5 small meals and include plenty of protein.
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Keep going when things get tough.

Recently, I shared how I published my book, Zesty Changes, through many different challenges. 
I wanted to show you that your dreams are possible. You can do anything you want at any age, even when things get tough. 
But I also know how discouraging it is when things aren’t going the way you want. You might have dreams you want to make happen but keep getting set back. 
So, today I want to share with you 5 ways you can keep going when the going gets tough and stick to your power. 
  1. Be kind to yourself.
  2. Think outside the box to find a creative solution.
  3. Engage new help to get the job done.
  4. Believe in one small step that will get you closer to "there," and then take action.
  5. Surrender to the process, Rome wasn't built in a day! 
Get Your Free Gift
I have an extra gift for you in my Facebook group, Zesty Women 50, 60, 70+. It covers 5 things to do when things go wrong.

Click here and you can get the weekly gifts that go along with this...
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