How to Live a Zesty and Adventurous Life in Your 50s, 60s, and 70s

I'm so excited to share that I've been featured on MEDIA - The Creative Agency's MEDIAZINE! I had a wonderful experience full of zest and empowerment while working with them. 


Check out it below: 


About a year ago, she was in a wheelchair, fighting for her life, as she emerged from a coma. 


Now, she teaches other women to Live a Zesty and Adventurous Life... 


in their 50s, 60s, and 70s! 


What happens to your health and wellness when you finally reach the big 5-0? 


Even before you reach retirement age, your body will change and shift the way you approach life. Women have an added challenge when it comes to menopause. If you’re already over 50, you know exactly how you changed inside and out. You might feel like a stranger in your body and fear you're unable to have the fulfilled life you had planned. 


Is all the fun really over at 50? Not at all according to our special guest, Sharon North...

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Reconcile your old life with your new life.

How do you separate yourself from the person you were to the person you are now?

Often when we go through traumatic experiences, we’re fundamentally changed. We can no longer see the world the way we once did, for better or for worse. There’s a grieving period that comes with trying to figure out who you are now.


I’ve been through several experiences myself, which I'll discuss during my free 3 day challenge. These five things have helped me to reconcile with my old life vs my new life, whether that’s been from giving up my daughter for adoption, going through divorce, or becoming so sick I almost lost my life.


  1. Create a daily practice of gratitude.
  2. Recite daily positive affirmations.
  3. Get outside and walk noticing what is beautiful
  4. Enjoy a get dressed routine, choose colorful, happy clothing.
  5. Connect with a treasured friend who will let you vent


You’ll find even more lessons and tips like these by joining my 3 day challenge....

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Wake Up & Feel Energized

One thing no one really talks about when it comes to menopause is how tired you feel!


Where before you could fly through your to-do list and still have the evening to do the things you love…you might feel like you’re ready to go to bed halfway through the day.


Hormones play a big role in our energy, and as they shift and change during menopause, women often feel more fatigued. But this doesn’t mean you’ve lost all the pep in your step!


Let’s get your energy back up. Below are tips to help you reignite your energy and give you a boost, so you can keep doing what you love and then some.


  1. Eat 5 small meals and include plenty of protein.
  2. Do 5 minutes of exercise, 5 different exercises and cycle through them once daily.
  3. Drink lots of water. Start the day with a big glass of warm lemon water. A 150 lb woman needs 100 oz of water daily.
  4. Go to bed and get up around the same time each day with natural light.
  5. Have a morning routine...
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Boost your self-esteem and reduce anxiety by being kind to yourself!

One of the biggest factors on how we feel isn’t what other people think of us, but how we talk about ourselves.


Think of how often you say something negative about yourself. You might say:


“I’m terrible at math.”


“I could never go on a hike. I’m too weak.”


“I can’t wear that. My body isn’t made for it.”


This negative talk contributes to a poor view of ourselves. It diminishes our confidence and lowers our self-esteem. You might not even realize how often you do it!


The one big thing you can do to boost your self-esteem and reduce anxiety is to be kind to yourself. Point out the things you love about yourself. Remove “can’t” from your vocabulary when talking about yourself. Kindness isn’t reserved for other people. You need it too!


Join me for my Get 3x More Energy Challenge!

On July 25th, 26th, and 27th, I’ll be hosting a 3 day challenge to...

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Six Tips to Help You Pack for Your Next Trip

Picture this. You wake up in the morning with the sun shining through your window. You get up for the day, give a big stretch, and then head on over to your closet or dresser to pick out clothes for the day. When you look inside, how does that make you feel?


Are you excited by the options there? Or does the idea of getting dressed make you want to stay in your pajamas all day?


There’s a secret to a good wardrobe, and it’s that having clothes that make you feel like YOU, in turn, make you feel more alive. They’re mood boosters that can affect your outlook on life and influence your entire day. 


After menopause and all your body changes, looking in the closet might be intimidating and stressful. You might not like how your clothes fit, or they may no longer represent who you are as a person. If you want to feel good on the inside, you have to like the way you look on the outside. So let’s calm your wardrobe fears.  



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Check to Make Sure These Areas are Balanced

If you want to make a change in your life, how do you know where to start?


It’s easy to identify that you’re unhappy, but it isn’t as simple to figure out what’s wrong. You might have bits and pieces of things that you know are contributing to your unhappiness, but you don’t know how to begin to address them.


One of the ways that I like to evaluate where life changes need to happen is to take what I call a Zest Assessment. I look at the eight areas of life and identify if any of them are out of balance, and then take steps to change them.

Today I’d like to share those eight areas of life with you, so you can ask yourself which ones are most out of balance.

  1. Home environment - Are you happy where you live? Does your space bring you joy?
  2. Career - Does your job fulfill you? Do you get along with your coworkers?
  3. Money - Are you happy with your income? Do you feel like you should be earning more?
  4. Health - Are you in pain? Do you spend...
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Needing to rediscover who you are?

If you don’t recognize who you are in the mirror, read this.


I’m talking to you, the woman who went through menopause and came out the other side not knowing who she had become.


The hormones and changes left you feeling like a stranger in your own body.


It may have introduced health challenges you’re still dealing with. 


You feel reclusive, full of anxiety, and trapped in your loneliness. 


And maybe there’s some heartbreak mixed in there, too.  


I know where you’ve been and how terrible it can feel as you go through this phase of life, where you need to rediscover who you are. You’re in need of a confidence boost, self-love, and real support from someone who has gotten through to the other side. 


That’s exactly why I’ve created my Oola Coaching.

As a certified health and wellness expert, I specialize in helping women over 50 reignite that missing spark and get their...

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Five motivators so you can live a happier, healthier, and more zesty life

When motivation fails, what reasons do you have to get up and change your life for the better?


So many times as women, we’ve spent years taking care of other people. Our kids, spouse, parents, co-workers, you name it have all needed us in some capacity. Many of us learned how to push our needs aside to focus on others. 


Now that you’re over 50, I have to ask you…if you don’t put yourself now, when will you do it? 


Sometimes we need help identifying motivators to get us to take charge of our lives and start living for ourselves because we’re so used to telling ourselves no. 


Today I’m sharing my Big Sister love with you and giving you five motivators to make change so you can live a happier, healthier, and more zesty life.  


  1. Grandkids. So many of us have dreamed of becoming grandmas, so we have to make sure we can show up with as much energy as we can to enjoy our time with them. 
  2. ...
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Get Dressed with Less Stress

The clothes you wear directly impact your mental health as a woman over 50. 


Why? Because when you hit your menopausal and postmenopausal years, you’re going through a life change that affects your body and mind. To love the body you’re in, even as it changes, you want to choose clothes that compliment you and make you feel good!


We’re often told that at a certain age, we’re supposed to wear dull, conservative clothing. But women of all ages are allowed to embrace all sorts of clothing.

Here are six empowering tips regarding clothing for you:

  1. Dress for your body and style: Every woman has a unique body shape and personal style. By dressing in clothes that flatter your body type and reflect your personality, you can feel more confident and empowered.
  2. Invest in quality pieces: Investing in well-made, timeless pieces can help you build a versatile wardrobe that you can feel confident and comfortable in. This can include classic pieces such as...
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Improve your happiness and health by taking action!

You know you have changes to make in order to live a happy, healthy life, so why is it so hard to get started?


The biggest challenge that stands in the way of us making choices that are better for us is…ourselves!


After 50, it’s common for women to stop feeling motivated. Changes in our body mean that we’re low on energy, and we get distracted by stressors and responsibilities that life throws at us.


But that’s no reason to neglect your health! It’s true that health is wealth, and without it you won’t be able to make memories, hit your goals, or have fun, amazing adventures with your friends and family. In the best years of your life, you should be able to feel good inside and out. 


Here are some tips to take you from thinking about improving your happiness and health to taking action:


  1. Seek advice from an expert. You might not know where to start or are unsure how to stay consistent. That’s where an...
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