Tips to Destress and Enjoy a Relaxing Holiday Season 😌🎄

Uncategorized Dec 06, 2023

 With the holiday season upon us, it's natural to feel a mix of excitement and stress. While this time of year is meant for joy and celebration, it can often become overwhelming.

That's why I wanted to share some helpful tips to help you destress and make the most of this holiday season.

  1. Prioritize self-care: Take time out for yourself amidst the hustle and bustle. Whether it's practicing mindfulness, going for a walk ‍, reading a book , or taking a relaxing bath , make self-care a priority. Remember, you can't pour from an empty cup .

  2. Simplify your schedule: Avoid overcommitting and spreading yourself too thin. Prioritize your events and obligations, and learn to say no when necessary. Focus on quality time with loved ones rather than trying to attend every party or get-together .

  3. Delegate tasks: You don't have to do everything by yourself. Enlist the help of family members or friends to share the workload. Whether it's cooking , decorations , or gift wrapping ,...
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🦃 Thanksgiving is over, let the 🛍️ Black Friday frenzy.oprn up the holiday season ! Time to prepare for 🎄 Christmas!

Uncategorized Nov 25, 2023

Hope you're doing well as we kick off the holiday season! Thanksgiving has come and gone, and now it's time to jump into the whirlwind of consumerism that starts on Black Friday. But before we dive in, let's take a moment to reflect on Thanksgiving and look ahead to what's coming.

Thanksgiving used to be all about gratitude and togetherness, but it's gradually transformed into the gateway to crazy shopping sprees. This year, we saw a massive shift towards online spending, with people splurging a whopping $5.6 billion on Thanksgiving alone! Online shopping is definitely on the rise.

Now, buckle up as we gear up for the Black Friday extravaganza month ! This day marks the official start of the Christmas shopping season, and boy, is it a big deal! Retailers go all-in, offering mind-blowing deals and captivating offers to entice shoppers and boost sales. Many last all week!.

Whether you're braving the crowds or opting for a cozy online experience, remember the power you hold as a...

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Thanksgiving Poem

Uncategorized Nov 22, 2023

"Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings."

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, let us embrace the power of gratitude,

A force that can elevate our lives and change our attitude.

For in the simple act of giving thanks,

 We find strength, resilience, and a heart that truly ranks.

As we gather around the table, hand in hand, 

Let's embrace the blessings that make life grand.

The love of family, the warmth of friends, 

And the joy that each new day sends.

Let us pause and take a moment to reflect, 

On all the moments that we can never forget.

The laughter and tears, the highs and lows, 

Each experience shaping us as it flows.

In this season of harvest and abundance, 

Let's express our gratitude with fervent radiance.

For the food on our plates, and the roof overhead.

For the dreams we chase, and the words left unsaid.

Let's be thankful for the lessons learned, 

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Thanksgiving: A Time for Gratitude💞👭👬👫🙏

Uncategorized Nov 17, 2023

Dear Family and Friends ,

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the true meaning of this special holiday - gratitude.

 Thanksgiving is a time when we gather with loved ones to express sincere appreciation for the blessings in our lives. Amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life, it's easy to overlook the small wonders that bring us joy. This year, let's pause and acknowledge the abundance surrounding us.

Gratitude cultivates resilience and acts as a beacon of hope, even in challenging times. So, I encourage you to share your appreciation with someone who has made a positive impact on your life. A heartfelt message can strengthen your connection and spread warmth and kindness.

Let's also extend a helping hand to those less fortunate. Consider donating to local food banks or volunteering at community organizations. Together, we can make a meaningful difference and remind others that they are not alone.

As we gather around the table,...

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How to Live a Zesty and Adventurous Life in Your 50s, 60s, and 70s

I'm so excited to share that I've been featured on MEDIA - The Creative Agency's MEDIAZINE! I had a wonderful experience full of zest and empowerment while working with them. 


Check out it below: 


About a year ago, she was in a wheelchair, fighting for her life, as she emerged from a coma. 


Now, she teaches other women to Live a Zesty and Adventurous Life... 


in their 50s, 60s, and 70s! 


What happens to your health and wellness when you finally reach the big 5-0? 


Even before you reach retirement age, your body will change and shift the way you approach life. Women have an added challenge when it comes to menopause. If you’re already over 50, you know exactly how you changed inside and out. You might feel like a stranger in your body and fear you're unable to have the fulfilled life you had planned. 


Is all the fun really over at 50? Not at all according to our special guest, Sharon North...

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Reconcile your old life with your new life.

How do you separate yourself from the person you were to the person you are now?

Often when we go through traumatic experiences, we’re fundamentally changed. We can no longer see the world the way we once did, for better or for worse. There’s a grieving period that comes with trying to figure out who you are now.


I’ve been through several experiences myself, which I'll discuss during my free 3 day challenge. These five things have helped me to reconcile with my old life vs my new life, whether that’s been from giving up my daughter for adoption, going through divorce, or becoming so sick I almost lost my life.


  1. Create a daily practice of gratitude.
  2. Recite daily positive affirmations.
  3. Get outside and walk noticing what is beautiful
  4. Enjoy a get dressed routine, choose colorful, happy clothing.
  5. Connect with a treasured friend who will let you vent


You’ll find even more lessons and tips like these by joining my 3 day challenge....

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Wake Up & Feel Energized

One thing no one really talks about when it comes to menopause is how tired you feel!


Where before you could fly through your to-do list and still have the evening to do the things you love…you might feel like you’re ready to go to bed halfway through the day.


Hormones play a big role in our energy, and as they shift and change during menopause, women often feel more fatigued. But this doesn’t mean you’ve lost all the pep in your step!


Let’s get your energy back up. Below are tips to help you reignite your energy and give you a boost, so you can keep doing what you love and then some.


  1. Eat 5 small meals and include plenty of protein.
  2. Do 5 minutes of exercise, 5 different exercises and cycle through them once daily.
  3. Drink lots of water. Start the day with a big glass of warm lemon water. A 150 lb woman needs 100 oz of water daily.
  4. Go to bed and get up around the same time each day with natural light.
  5. Have a morning routine...
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Boost your self-esteem and reduce anxiety by being kind to yourself!

One of the biggest factors on how we feel isn’t what other people think of us, but how we talk about ourselves.


Think of how often you say something negative about yourself. You might say:


“I’m terrible at math.”


“I could never go on a hike. I’m too weak.”


“I can’t wear that. My body isn’t made for it.”


This negative talk contributes to a poor view of ourselves. It diminishes our confidence and lowers our self-esteem. You might not even realize how often you do it!


The one big thing you can do to boost your self-esteem and reduce anxiety is to be kind to yourself. Point out the things you love about yourself. Remove “can’t” from your vocabulary when talking about yourself. Kindness isn’t reserved for other people. You need it too!


Join me for my Get 3x More Energy Challenge!

On July 25th, 26th, and 27th, I’ll be hosting a 3 day challenge to...

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Six Tips to Help You Pack for Your Next Trip

Picture this. You wake up in the morning with the sun shining through your window. You get up for the day, give a big stretch, and then head on over to your closet or dresser to pick out clothes for the day. When you look inside, how does that make you feel?


Are you excited by the options there? Or does the idea of getting dressed make you want to stay in your pajamas all day?


There’s a secret to a good wardrobe, and it’s that having clothes that make you feel like YOU, in turn, make you feel more alive. They’re mood boosters that can affect your outlook on life and influence your entire day. 


After menopause and all your body changes, looking in the closet might be intimidating and stressful. You might not like how your clothes fit, or they may no longer represent who you are as a person. If you want to feel good on the inside, you have to like the way you look on the outside. So let’s calm your wardrobe fears.  



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Check to Make Sure These Areas are Balanced

If you want to make a change in your life, how do you know where to start?


It’s easy to identify that you’re unhappy, but it isn’t as simple to figure out what’s wrong. You might have bits and pieces of things that you know are contributing to your unhappiness, but you don’t know how to begin to address them.


One of the ways that I like to evaluate where life changes need to happen is to take what I call a Zest Assessment. I look at the eight areas of life and identify if any of them are out of balance, and then take steps to change them.

Today I’d like to share those eight areas of life with you, so you can ask yourself which ones are most out of balance.

  1. Home environment - Are you happy where you live? Does your space bring you joy?
  2. Career - Does your job fulfill you? Do you get along with your coworkers?
  3. Money - Are you happy with your income? Do you feel like you should be earning more?
  4. Health - Are you in pain? Do you spend...
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